Neil Taylor
Neil Taylor

Picture Courtesy Of Tog

Team Name

A1 Fabrications

Race Number

PM 4


Neil Taylor


'96 Ford Probe


706 Ford Wedge


Lenco 4 Speed


A1 Fabrications

Best ET

6.94 s

Best TS

197 mph

Position In 1999 Championship

Year Out

 Neil had taken a year out during the 1999 seson to develop a new blown alcohol configuration for the A1 Fabrications Ford Probe. He is at present ordering a whole load of new parts from the states. Out goes the 706 for motor (to another promod racer......) and in goes a 526 cu in blown alcohol motor featuring a pair of big chief heads specially developed by Eagle racing in the US. Other changes in the equation  are a change from a four speed lever shift Lenco transmission to a three speed air shifed one.

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Last update:- 10 March 2000

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Vince Pinhorn.

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